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Effective Immediately:

Beginning Saturday, June 6, 2023, timed entry reservations are required for entrance to Eaton Canyon Natural Area and access to the Eaton Canyon trail system. Timed entry reservations are free and must be made the day before your visit. No same-day reservations or walk-ins allowed. Reservations will help keep the Eaton Canyon trails from becoming overcrowded and allow enough space for trail users to maintain physical distancing of six feet, in accordance with current COVID-19 restrictions.

Proof of reservation and photo ID required for entry.

Click here to make a free reservation for timed entry to Eaton Canyon

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Eaton Canyon Natural Area is a 190-acre zoological, botanical, and geological nature preserve situated at the base of the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains. Visitors can enjoy its hiking trails, equestrian trails with a staging area, picnic areas, seasonal stream, rocks and minerals, various natural habitats, native plants, and wildlife.

The Eaton Canyon Nature Center

was reopened in November of 1998, replacing the old one which burned in the Altadena fire of October 27, 1993. The 7,600 square-foot building contains many fascinating displays, live animals, offices, classrooms, an auditorium, restrooms, and an information desk/gift shop.

The Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, during which time a staff member is present to assist you. Feel free to come inside and look around. You will find information about 怎样加速国外网站, 怎样加速国外网站, plants, 怎么给国外网站加速, history of the canyon, ecology, and docent-guided tours.

Nature Center building
Tour The Nature Center
fence lizard

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Remember when visiting Eaton Canyon or any other natural area, take your camera or binoculars with you into the canyon, but please LOOK ONLY - touching or even trying to touch the wildlife can stress them and cause illness or death, upsetting the balance of nature.

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Golden Poppy

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As you walk through the Canyon, pay close attention and you will see and hear many interesting things. The coast live oak is the most prevalent tree in Eaton Canyon and in Southern California. We also have sages, buckwheat, monkeyflowers, prickly pear cactus, sycamore trees, and hundreds more.

Plants of Eaton Canyon
Canyon History

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The beautiful San Gabriel Mountains have a rugged, steep southern ridge and a taller northern ridge, the two being separated from one another by a series of east-west canyons. They run along the San Gabriel Fault, once a main part of the San Andreas Fault, and contain the east and west forks of the San Gabriel River

Eaton Canyon history

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